chapter1.txt The Story of Kim Chapter One Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The cock shook and trembled. It spat out a stream of white. The jizzlet flew through the air to land with a heavy splotch on the blond woman's left cheekbone. The cock pulsed once again. A streak of hot wet white whizzed out, splayed gracefully in the air, and traced a line up the woman's face from below her cheekbone into her hairline. It curled up over her cheek, across her pert nose, and into the socket of her eye. It continued up over her eyebrow and across her forehead before disappearing into her hair. Even before the white line had splattered forcefully into her face, the snake-like prong shuddered again. The rope of man-goo was even thicker than the previous one had been. It shot out like a white cannonball, and the girl watched spellbound as it approached-her face. She opened her mouth as wide as she could, and adjusted the angle of her head. The sperm approached. It headed straight into her open mouth, striking her uvula soundly and splattering forcefully backwards across and over her teeth and gums. It flowed wetly across her tongue. A large globule of sperm trickled off her tongue, dropped onto her tonsils, and slowly swam down her rosy esophagus to pool quietly in her stomach. She let the remaining semen collect in her mouth, careful not to let any more slide relentlessly down her throat before she wanted it to. She opened her one clear eyelid, and checked the penises jutting at her face. The first one had shot three times. Kim had done some testing earlier with a measuring cup and water. She could hold almost two cups of water in her swollen mouth without spilling or swallowing any. She hoped to collect that much semen during this tournament. Doing some quick calculation, she figured the first cock would have three, maybe four more shots. And there were over 30 hard fat cocks to go. A delicious shudder ran through her, as she contemplated the barrage of semen to come. Winning this contest would go a long way towards fulfilling her dream of becoming an adult film star. She had read about it in an underground swingers magazine, and had been enthralled from the very beginning. The premise was simple. The contestants were being judged on the amount of sperm they could hold in their mouths. They were allowed to collect it from off their faces, but nowhere else - no necks, tits, hair or hands. How it got into their mouths was of their choice. They could fuck the men and make sure that the ejaculation took place orally. They could have the men jerk off straight into their mouths, or if they were squeamish, into a glass that they then would quaff. Kim had seen one girl do that earlier. She collected a fair amount of squirt from about 16 virile men, and dripped the champagne glass full right into her open mouth. This scene so turned on several other men that they ignored her wishes, and proceeded to masturbate directly onto her face and into her mouth. She could do nothing but accept the cum shower, since if she turned away or closed her mouth, she would have been disqualified. Kim, on the other hand, had no such reservations. She seemed to get a quirky satisfaction out of seeing the men panting and trembling while they rubbed and pulled on their cocks, aiming the purplish heads at her exceedingly pretty face. She spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out what was so exciting about ejaculating semen onto a woman's face. She thought maybe that it was because a woman spent much time and money on makeup to insure that she looked her prettiest, and that for a man to ejaculate on her face was an act of domination and mastery. But semen wasn't dirty. It was a warm, bodily fluid, full of life and containing the essence of a man. If a man wanted to piss on her, that was something entirely different. Sperm was not a waste product, it was something that only a man could give to a woman. Kim had seen enough adult movies to know that the facial cum shot was a favorite of producers and directors, and thus probably of the audience. After all, if they didn't want it, the movie makers wouldn't film it that way. She knew that some women would fuck the ugliest guys around, and allow themselves to be treated like whores, but would not allow a man to cum on their faces. She couldn't understand that. What difference did it make? A cumshot was a cumshot, and if the star or the director wanted it on your face, so be it. She didn't mind at all. Cum wouldn't kill you. In fact, Kim thought, because of its proteins and other natural essences, semen was probably good for your skin. She often rubbed it into her face after a healthy bout of sex with her boyfriend, after breathlessly gasping for him to ejaculate, not in her pussy, but all over her sweating face. Mostly, the men were glad to cooperate. Over the course of the last few years, Kim had both swallowed the salty mixture, and just as often, massaged it into her face. And she hadn't had a blemish or even the hint of a pimple or blackhead in all that time, and her skin was so soft and smooth, she rarely needed to wear any makeup at all. So to her, it was a cycle - the pretty face that got the most sperm on it remained pretty with almost no additional care. She didn't spend a dime on fancy soaps, facial scrubs or expensive makeup. All the face cream she needed was at the end of a tube of flesh that she had little or no trouble extracting. But now she had more important things on her mind. She pooled the collected semen in her mouth, and waited for the next ejaculatory squirt. It was not long in arriving, a cock missile that shot into her mouth with the wet force of a bullet, knocking her head backwards once again. The sperm rocketed around inside her mouth, spreading a thin white paste of fluid over her teeth. A large globule sat thickly on her tongue. The man grunted and once again unclenched his thumb from around his swelling glans. A ribbon of white shot out, tracing a line from the left corner of Kim's mouth up over her cheek and into her eye socket. The man moved closer, putting one hand on Kim's head and directing her to place her gaping mouth directly under his penis. He angled it downwards, just a scant few inches from her face. He unclenched once again with a roar. The backed up cum squirted out like a miniature firehose full of white paint. It drooled and dripped into her open mouth, seemingly without end. It dropped between her open lips without spilling over at all. Kim curled her tongue backwards and closed off the passage to her stomach. She couldn't afford to waste this. The other men drew closer, turned on like never before at the spectacle of a ravishingly beautiful blond woman accepting the sperm of an eight-inch cock straight into her mouth. Finally the flood was over, and the man shook his penis a few times, to ensure that the last few drops from deep in his balls were forced out. One droplet landed with a qooey squish on Kim's nose, and the rest found their landing place variously on her face. He stepped away. Kim held up her hands to indicate a time-out. She traced one long red-nailed finger up into her semen-pooled eye sockets, collecting the juice and transferring it to her mouth. She roamed around her wet, sticky face, bringing as much of the lines and drops of sperm down into her mouth as she could. Finally, her face was somewhat clear again, and she blinked open her eyes. Motioning for the second man to come forward, she open her mouth, and reached for his trembling cock, not a second too soon. The moment her smooth palmed hand touched it, it exploded in a torrent of cum. She directed the head of the cock to just between her lips, knowing that if she forced it any further in, it may displace the already collected sperm out her compressed lips, or worse, down into her stomach. She tickled the bottom of the glans with her tongue, coaxing the sperm out in excited rushes. One, two , three, four long squirts roped out into her mouth. She jacked on the cock several times for good measure, extracting several more smaller, albeit still worthwhile, driblets of sperm. By now the semen collected by her efforts was beginning to wash up over her gumline, and her back teeth were covered with the white liquid. She backed off the cock, dipped her head downwards to collect the semen, and motioned for the next man to step forwards. Again, she placed the tip of his cock, which was luckily rather thin, though quite long, between her once-rosy, but now semen-covered lips. She dropped her hands to rest on her thighs. The man placed his hand around his cock, stroking it into her mouth with practiced determination. Finally he let his hand pull back on the cock until it lodged in his bristly pubic hair, and clenched the muscles in his ass. Kim later would swear she heard, as well as felt, the torrent of semen flow into her mouth. It shot out in a white ropy stream, filling even more of her mouth up. Suddenly she felt a grunt and a "whoosh" in her left ear, as one over-excited man next to her now-sticky head placed the tip of his cock in her ear, and proceeded to ejaculate several strands of white cum into it. Kim quickly cupped her hand under the ear, and allowed the semen to leak out of it. She brought the hand up to her mouth, and licked the small puddle of cum out of it. "Lucky for me he didn't come too much. I think I got it all..." she thought to herself. Another man stepped forward, a black man with a cock that Kim guessed to be at least nine or ten inches long, and several inches around. "Just lean back and open up, pretty lady, I'll shoot it right into your mouth, and not spill a drop." he calmly said. Kim obeyed him. He moved closer, so that the tip of his cock was just three or four inches from her semen-spotted face. He stroked it several times rapidly, and finally grunted through his teeth "Here it comes, baby, get ready!" The horse cock's slit opened up, and a river of sperm rushed out, arcing beautifully into the woman's open mouth. The first spurt broke over her teeth, and splashed so much that a tiny wave of cum broke over her lower lip, to drool down her chin. Kim quickly cupped her hand under her chin, to again capture the semen and not let it escape. Again the penis shuddered and shot out a stream of white semen. It flowed into Kim's sexy mouth like a river of cream. The sperm hit her tongue, arched up to splash on the roof of her mouth and settled back to join the rest of the microscopic spermatozoa now floating in her oral cavity. Kim shuddered to a small orgasm at the thought that there were billions of tiny sperms swimming around her teeth and gums, relentlessly searching for an egg to fertilize. They would find no egg today, Kim thought. There were sperm from tall, dark haired men with blue eyes, sperm from black men with skin like coal and deep brown eyes, there were sperms from small red haired men with freckles, and soon there would be more. Kim noticed at least two Asian men in the line waiting for their turn, and several other blacks, an Italian-looking man, and several Jews. "A real United Nations of semen in my mouth.." thought Kim. The black man moved his cock a bit farther away from Kim's face, perhaps to let the others view the lines of sperm rocketing into her mouth. He slid his powerful looking hand up over the tip of his prick, pinching the head between his thumb and forefinger. He looked down at Kim, kneeling before him like a concubine in the royal harem of some long ago Nubian emperor. "Lady, I'm gonna do something special for you now. It's a little trick I learned in the Army from a hooker in Saigon. I've pinched off my cock. But I ain't done cummin' yet, that's for sure. I'm going to send such a load of jizz into your pretty face, you'll swear I was peein' white. Every last bit of cum I've been saving for four days is going straight into your pretty little face. How'd you like that?" Kim looked up at him, sloshed the fluid sperm around in her mouth a bit, and tried to talk without spilling any. "Dat wudbe murvlus, 'oney" she murmured, careful not to drool over her barely open lips. "Led be make some roob..". It was almost comical, as Kim could picture herself kneeling in front of a circle of mostly total strangers, semen clotting her hair, dressed only in heels, stockings and panties. Drops of sperm dotted her breasts and shoulders, and several more slowly dried about her face. Her once perfectly coiffured hair was now splotched with the seminal offerings of various men. Her eyebrows were soaking wet. Even her dainty eyelashes had small tears of sperm hanging from them. She reached down with one hand to rub her aching clitoris, and quaked from an orgasm. She leaned her head back, cracked her jaw from side to side, and opened her mouth as wide as she possible could. Spectators even several feet back could plainly see the pool of white liquid collected in her mouth. Many were thinking it was the most erotic scene they had ever seen, unrivaled in its' sheer perversity and its' dreamlike, almost ephemeral quality. Fucking and sucking had become so commonplace anymore that there was very little left to jade this sophisticated crowd. But the sight of a beautiful blond woman, blessed with firm, rounded breasts with erect nipples a half-inch long, supple, perfectly proportioned legs, and an amazingly pretty face, eagerly awaiting the onslaught of semen to come into her lovely mouth, was a sight they would all remember for years to come. The black man tensed and shuddered. His buttocks clenched powerfully. Again he tensed. The crowd could sense the buildup of semen backing up the length of his cock. Once more he grunted, tensed and almost buckled at the knees. A bead of sweat formed on his nose, and dropped to the floor. His whole body seemed to be tensing like a coiled spring. A small drop of semen escaped from the tip of his straining prick. Kim reached out with her forefinger and collected it up. The man backed still farther away from her face and beckoning mouth. He looked at her. She looked him straight in the eye, and nodded almost imperceptibly. She waited. One more time, he seemed to collapse inward for a moment, and then arched his back, pointed the near bursting penis at Kim, and slid his hand back to his pubic hair with a quick jerk. For a split-second, nothing happened. Then the eye of his cock opened up, and a stream of semen sped outward. Straight into her open mouth, the sperm flowed. Like some crazy water fountain, the cum roped between her lips, and set the pool of liquid collected there to splashing and foaming. The man backed away. Still the jizz sped out, now a liquid white line connecting the tip of his cock and the interior of Kim's mouth, almost two feet apart. To some observers, it did indeed look like he was pissing white. For what seemed like an eternity, but was in reality only a few seconds, the bizarre scene continued. Kim kneaded her clitoris and pussy lips roughly, shuddering through a series of powerful orgasms as her mind reeled at the immensity of the man's cum shot. One woman at the back of the crowd almost fainted dead away, it was later learned. Abruptly, it was over. The man had ejaculated a single jet of semen for more than eight seconds. This was no drippy, slimy cum shot from an exhausted set of balls. This was no "two quick spurts and it's over" job like so many had seen before. This was a CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM shot to end all cum shots. Kim was amazed at the volume of semen now inhabiting her mouth. She could no longer face forward with her lips apart without having strands of white ropy goo drip from her lips. She had to tilt her face backwards to keep the jizz from leaking out. It completely covered her lower teeth, and her tongue was nowhere to be seen. She closed her mouth, and looked at the black man, a mixture of envy, astonishment, greed and gratitude in her eyes. He looked at her, winked, and said "There you go. Hope it was all you expected." Kim could only close her cum-streaked eyes daintily and nod at him with thankfulness. He had managed to send several pure ounces of jizzum into her mouth without wasting a single drop. Her fingers were working full time, plunging in and out of her wet vagina, pinching and rubbing her clitoris. She tensed to an orgasm, then another. A flush rose up from her pussy, spread over her tits and colored her shoulders. She inhaled a deep breath and tried to catch her thoughts. Her mouth was too full now to continue kneeling on the satin pillow on the floor, waiting for the men to step up and cream her wet lips with their semen. And she was beginning to get the normal swallowing urge she knew she could not ignore for long. Finally, she had a thought. Kim dropped to her hands and knees, and inclined her face forward and down, making sure her lips were tightly compressed. The lake of white in her mouth shifted forward, oozing between her front teeth and gums. When she was sure that no valuable sperm was left lurking about in the back of her throat, she swallowed lightly. Even then, she could feel several strands of spermatic fluid slip into her esophagus, and disappear down into her belly. "Damn!" she thought, "there's more wasted." She got up to her feet , and ignoring the looks of the crowd, went over to the mirror on the wall of the room to check herself out. The sight she saw jolted her out of her reverie. Looking back at her from the mirror was a woman with sperm-splotched hair, a cum-spotted face, and lips that compressed about a thin line of white. Her cheeks were swollen out like she had mumps. A small, thin line of semen ran from the hollow of her neck down the upper slope of one firm breast to bead at the erect and swollen nipple. She looked at her own reflection with longing. Turning about quickly, she walked over to the long, expensive looking dining table that graced one side of the room. She judged it's height to be just about right. Motioning the line of men to follow her, she climbed up on the table, gesturing for a piece of paper and something to write with. A pert, dark haired woman quickly placed a pad and pencil in her hand. Kim wrote "Feeling fine, but getting too full to stay on my knees. I will lie on the table, face up. I want two at a time now, just keep 'em coming! HA HA." She handed the pad back to the other woman, who read the words aloud. Kim placed the satin pillow under her neck, to angle her head flat and level on the table. She consciously closed off her throat and leaned back, her head even with the edge of the table, gazing at the flocked ceiling. Two cock heads loomed over her mouth, and for the next several minutes, the same scene was repeated over and over. Kim couldn't see who the men were, and could just tell white from black. The cocks were all shapes and sizes, from short, bulbous ones, to long, gleaming towers of male flesh. She often glimpsed traces of lipstick or pussy juice on the pricks, and could guess that the men were amusing themselves any way they could while they waited their turn. The only thing they all had in common was that they all spat streams of cum into her open mouth. Jet after jet of milky white semen was directed between her eagerly waiting lips. Strangely, almost no one spoke a word. It was as if, after the spectacle of the black man hosing her face with the enormous amount of sperm, they were all participating in a sexual ritual. Man after man grunted streams of thick, white sperm over her cum-covered lips and into the pool steadily growing in her mouth. Her teeth slowly but surely were covered up with the juice. Her tongue occasionally poked up out of the lake of semen. Two, four, six, eight, then ten men emptied their boiling balls into her mouth. She could no longer taste the differing types of sperm, no longer able to tell the rich, almost milky texture of the blacks from the light, more watery Caucasian jizzum. She thought she detected a faint trace of garlic from one man she guessed to be the Italian. The first Asian's cum smelled sweetly of tea and cloves. The line of men slowly dwindled down. 12, 14, 16 men were through. One of the next pair was so over excited by the scene he could do no more than jerk his cock helplessly over her face, spraying the cum about her features with relentless abandon. Lines of wet sticky sperm traced over her nose and cheeks, zooming up her face from jaw to forehead. More cum dripped and drooled into her eyes, and a line of it even shot up one nostril. Her blue shadowed left eye closed, a line of sperm dissecting the oval. Another line of sperm hung connected from the tip of her nose to her upper lip. Her lips themselves were rimmed with white liquid quite a distance away from her open mouth itself. The man looked at her helplessly. She opened her one good eye and gazed at him. She had no time to collect the cum though, as there were still more to be satisfied. The lake of cum in her mouth was now almost overflowing. Kim ballooned her cheeks outward with as much power as she could muster. She could feel a soft tongue licking at her pussy through the panties she wore, and after a few minutes, was undergoing almost continuous orgasms. She seemed to climax in tandem with the men. One spurt into her mouth, one shudder up her spine. Two spurts against her lips, two pelvic quakes that she felt down to her toes. Twenty, twenty two, then twenty four men emptied themselves into her mouth. Number twenty-five placed his cock against her lower lip and let a small stream of cum flow out of it to drip into her mouth, and join the army of sperm. Number twenty-eight jerked several strands of jizz against the tip of her tongue, saucily stuck up like a small island in a sea of sperm. Kim could taste the rich aroma of it on her sensitive taste buds. He finished by tracing a line of cum across the width of her forehead, down one cheek, and across her chin. He was joined by another man, who continued the cum drawing up the other cheek, across the bridge of her nose, up between her eyes, and back across her forehead. By now, her face was nearly completely covered with sperm. There was virtually not one square inch of skin that didn't have a sheen of cum covering it. Kim was having continuous orgasms herself. She could see flashbulbs going off , and the whir of video cameras capturing this event for posterity. The thought of so many strangers watching this spectacle brought another quaking orgasm from her dripping pussy. Finally, the sperm in her mouth reached the limits. It started to overflow her lips and drip down her neck towards her ears. The last man had just finished adding his donation to the cum charity of her face. She could hold no more. Kim motioned a halt. It was too late for one man, who aimed his jetting cock at her breasts and shoulders, topping the nipples with warm white rain and showering her upper arms with his cum. One man brought forward a glass marked with lines denoting each fluid ounce. Kim sat up, pressing her fingers to her lips to keep the collected sperm from leaking out any more. She held the cup up to her mouth, leaned forward, and opened her lips. A river of white whooshed from between her lips, pouring into the glass. Kim shepherded the cum from between her teeth and gums with her tongue, drooling it all into the glass. The level rose and rose. Still more cum poured from her open mouth. Up, up, up the glass filled. Finally it was finished. Kim collected the slimy strands of jizz from about her face and eagerly fed them into her mouth, where she could now swallow and soothe her aching face and throat. The cool juice seemed like champagne to her, as it flowed over her parched throat and seeped down into her stomach. She looked at the glass of cum she produced. The level was slightly over the ten ounce mark. The nearest competitor was marked at six and one half ounces. Kim had won! And won big! She managed to contain in her mouth, without swallowing, over a pint of semen, the ejaculations of 33 men. She blushed proudly. "Whew, is that a load or what?" she spoke aloud, to no one in particular. "Kim, that was the greatest exhibition of sexuality I have ever seen, bar none. I think I have a job for you." She turned to look at the man who had just spoken. He was a slim man of about six feet, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was completely dressed in an expensive looking suit that fit his tanned body well. Her gaze traveled down to his crotch, detecting a largish bulge there that betrayed his excitement, and lent truth to his statement. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is John Somers, and I produce and direct adult movies in Los Angeles. I own my own production company, and work with only the best and brightest of the actors. I would like to take you to the West Coast, and put you to work in my movies. I think you have the, ah, 'talent', shall we say, to go a long way. There has never been anyone in the adult film business like you, I'm sure. Are you interested?" Kim's heart leaped at his words. This was exactly what she was hoping for when this evening first became a reality. "Yes, I think I would be. NO, I KNOW I would be!" "Well, I certainly am glad to hear that. I think that you could be one of the biggest stars to ever hit the adult movie scene. I have only a few other questions. How well do you fuck, and do you mind anal?" Kim looked right at him, daring him to gaze at her cum-spotted face without busting the zipper on his slacks. "Why don't you get your clothes off, and find out?" she said, ripping what was left of her panties off and tossing them over her shoulder. "Perhaps later. Right now I'd like to see how well you handle three men at once. Shall we?" And he offered her his hand, to walk towards the center of the room, where the remnants of the party still stood. "Kim here would like to take care of any men who might not have had a chance to 'donate' to her earlier. Are there any takers?" Several men stood and cheered, or waved their hands excitedly. John turned to Kim. "Ladies choice, my dear. Whom would you like?" Kim looked the available candidates over. Pointing at three husky men in succession, she said "OK. You I want in my snatch, you in my ass, and you I want in my mouth. How's that?" She positioned one man down on his back in the center of the room, and kneeled over his midsection. Lowering her head to his cock, she placed the tip of it into her mouth. Slowly she laved up and down the shaft of the penis, licking around and around the head with her slimy tongue. She spit a small gob of slightly white saliva on it, then abruptly crouched down over it. John bent closer to get a better look. She positioned the head of the thin, yet long cock at her rosy, crinkled rectum. "Ahhhhhh..." she mouthed, as she slowly lowered herself over it. At first, her butt wouldn't give. Then, the head of the cock popped in with an audible plop. The first few inches of it were slowly gobbled up by her hungry bowels. "Ohhhh, that's good.." Kim breathed. "I love the feel of a good hard cock in my ass." Slowly, the penis disappeared up into her. Finally, she was lowered all the way down onto the man's prick, until his curly pubic hair tickled her anus and pussy lips. Then she leaned back, and motioned to another man to come forward. "Over here, honey, slip that dick of yours into my lovely pussy. And don't be afraid to slam it into me, I could use a good fuck right now." The man came forward, and dropped to his knees in front of her, between the other man's outstretched legs. He rubbed the head of his erect cock over her red and pulsating clitoris, eliciting several moans from Kim. "Stop teasing me, man, shove it in!" she croaked, with a severe intake of breath as the man slid the entire eight inch length of his dick into her pussy on her last words. "Oh, yes, that's right, slip it in." The man could feel his cock rubbing against the invader in her anal tract through the thin barrier of skin separating them. He matched his withdrawals with the other man's insertions, so that Kim was never bereft of some length of cock meat in one of her lower channels. The three people moved and squirmed for a few minutes. "Oh shit, I gonna cummmmm......." wailed Kim, as a tremendous quake of orgasm shook her body. "YES YES YES YES YES!" she screamed. She could feel the two hard organs sliding in and out of her super aroused lower body. John looked down at her tenderly. Then he stood up and walked over to the table where the semen-filled glass still stood, being inspected with some wonderment by several people. "Quite an accomplishment, wouldn't you say?" he said to one woman who seemed entranced by the thing. "I can't believe she could hold that much cum in her mouth" she answered back , "When men go off in my mouth, it feels like I'm gonna drown or something." John looked her over. She was a pretty brunette, with small breasts that had tremendous areolas, showing bright pink nipples that winked up at him. "I'm sure you could do better if you applied yourself." He picked up the glass, and walked back over to where Kim was just beginning to position the third man in her lovemaking quartet. She directed him to squat over her breasts. "Slide your dick between my tits for a while, then I'll suck you off like you've never been sucked before." Kim loved to talk dirty when she made love, knowing that it turned most men on quite a bit. The man held his cock down over her tits, rubbing the head over her nipples, and leaving a thin colorless stream of pre-cum wherever he took it. Finally, he squashed her tits together over his prick, and slid it back and forth in the valley of her chest. Each time the rosy head emerged from between her breasts, Kim bent her head forward to swipe it with her tongue. She was still spotted with semen over various parts of her head, shoulders and breasts, and the man's cock did not need much lubrication. Finally, he moved it up to just in front of her lips. "Open up, baby, here comes the main event" he said, looking down at her. She parted her lips. The man slowly fed the length of his cock into her mouth, watching fascinated as it disappeared. He could see it angle past her tonsils, and lodge halfway down her neck. The skin beneath her chin bulged out with the tell-tale outline of his glans. Then he withdrew the cock. It emerged slimy with saliva and the remnants of Kim's mouthful of cum. John knelt down above her head once again. "Kim, you are doing just great. This is a real test of a person's sexual capacity, and as I said, I'm very impressed. And you know, I think I would like the men to ejaculate inside of you, if you don't mind." Kim looked up at him, nodding her head in agreement. She couldn't nod too far in either direction, of course, seeing as how her head and neck seemed grafted onto the penis sliding slowly in and out of her mouth. She grasped the shaft of the cock she was sucking, and slowly led it out of her mouth. She winked up at John. "Honey, I want you to spurt your juice right down my throat, Okay?" The man enjoying the blow job looked down at her. "You bet, sweetie. I haven't cum today, and I'm sure I got a good load for you to swallow." He was amazed at the girl's forthrightness. Kim loved to talk to her men as she blew them, knowing it turned them on even more to hear words of encouragement and enjoyment from their women. "Yes, I'm gonna swallow all your little sperms and have them swimming around in my stomach. I want you to paint my tonsils white!" The man joined in the game. "You gonna eat my jizz, eh? You know, I got a lot of jizz to give you. Your tongue is gonna get slimed, and your throat will feel my stuff sliding down like warm, creamy milk." "Oh, yes, I want to eat your cum. I love to feel the slimy stuff slip down into my belly. I ...Umph". Kim was cut off in mid-word as the penis entering her mouth made speech unintelligible, if not impossible. John watched as the man stroked his cock slowly in and out of her sweating face, each time to spread her lips, flatten her tongue down, and bulge out the muscles in her neck. In, out, in , out, the cock retraced its route several times. Suddenly the man in her ass cried out. "Oh shit, I gonna cum, I'm gonna shoot..." Kim bucked her pelvis at him several times, as if to offer encouragement and agreement. The man arched his hips, lifting the entire mass of flesh up off the ground, burying his cock far up into her bowels. The cock head nestled into Kim's tender rectal passage, then spit a line of hot cum out. She felt the blazing hot liquid steam up into her ass, bathing it with warmth. She clenched her ass muscles. Again the cock let loose with a spurt of ejaculate. "Oh, yes, cum in my ass, cum in my ass, you dirty fucker, shoot it up there!" she groaned, gulping in huge lungsful of air, temporarily quitting her fellatio. The man jerked and shuddered a few more times, then collapsed with the weight of the people he had been supporting. Slowly he slid his softening cock out of her rectal passage. Its way was greased by the load of semen he had just deposited, and finally he popped his cock out. A small trickle of white liquid escaped from Kim's tender, yet satisfied asshole. She was undergoing variously sized orgasms almost continuously now, as every fiber of her being seemed sexually charged with electricity. She could tell that the man sliding his cock up her pussy was soon to follow, leaving his deposit to lave the walls of her sex. She was right. Without saying a word, he jammed his cock one more time up into the very bottom of her cunt, mashing his pubic hair in with hers. He grunted, and Kim felt the cock flex, pulsing out a jet of semen to crash into her uterus and spray the walls of her cunt. Another jet joined it as Kim orgasmed. The man slowly pulled his cock from her clutching pussy lips, loosing a torrent of sperm. He dripped the last of his cum down onto her clitoris. Kim's pelvic region now was dripping with sperm, as it slowly leaked from her two lower channels. She was too busy to notice though, as the man she was blowing seemed close to his climax. She grabbed the shaft of the cock invading her face, and let just the tip protrude into her mouth. She fed about two inches in, mentally picturing the flared head resting over her tongue and pointing it's menacing slit directly at her tonsils and the back of her mouth. She looked up at the man. She jerked the cock into her mouth, trying to telepathically communicate with him. "cum, cum, cum , cum" she repeated in her mind, timed with the strokes of her fist. "shoot, shoot, shoot" she thought. On the last "shoot", she felt it. A stream of semen pulsed out of the cock and struck her tonsils, bathing them with white liquid. She gulped the white offering down. She jerked the cock again, and again a stream of jizz sped out, to slide over her tongue and down her gullet and join its' mates. One more time, the penis shuddered a thin line of white into her mouth that Kim swallowed gratefully. She looked up at the man as he grimaced in pleasure, enjoying watching his climax. She slowly fed the cock out of her mouth, and pursed her lips to give the head a kiss as it emerged. "There now, wasn't that nice?" she queried. The man just looked down at her, shaking his head with the disbelief of such pleasure. John applauded, as did most of the others standing around her. "Kim, sit up a second. I think you deserve a reward for your efforts." He handed her the glass of cooled seminal fluid. "Everyone, come forward and watch this. You are witnessing the birth of a star!" he spoke loudly to the crowd. Kim took the glass from his hand, waiting until the people crowded around her, waiting for the cameras to focus and the video cameras to begin whirring. When she was sure that everyone was ready, she looked up at John, then around the room to the gathering. "Well, here's CUM IN YOUR FACE! Cheers!" And so saying, she raised the glass of sperm to her lips, and drank in the first mouthful. She sloshed it around in her mouth a moment, then swallowed. Again she raised the glass, and again she swallowed. Finally, she raised the glass over her face, tilted it downwards, and opened her mouth. The remaining sperm slid out of the glass and directly between her waiting lips, until there was no more to be had. Kim swallowed thickly several times, and raised the empty glass to the cheers of the crowd. John offered her his hand, and helped her to her feet. Her stomach sloshed with the semen of over 35 men. Her lips and chin were still spotted with the white stuff, and a stream of it wound its way down her leg from her ass and pussy. Her hair was matted with sperm, and her forehead was bathed with a mixture of sperm and sweat. But she was happy, and satisfied. This had been the most sexually vibrant evening of her life. She turned to John. "Well, when do we leave for Los Angeles?"